Dr. Lingxi Li
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University College London
Lingxi is currently a postdoctoral researcher at University College London. His research interest is computational modelling of light scattering of nanostructure and small particles. In 2012, He received his bachelor’s degree from Xi’an JiaoTong University in China. He received his Master and Dr.-Ing in Mechanical Engineering from Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing Cameron Tropea. His thesis work focused in light scattering of small particles for developing the optical measurement technique for the particle characterization. He joined the Photonics Innovations Lab in University College London in July, 2021 to work on vanadium dioxide based devices for thermal management.
Title: Simulation of light scattering from a colloidal droplet using a polarized Monte Carlo method: application to the time-shift technique.
Abstract: This study is devoted to the development and application of a Monte Carlo ray-tracing model to simulate light scattering when a colloid suspension droplet passes through a focused Gaussian laser sheet. Such scattering scenarios arise when using the time-shift measurement technique for particle sizing. The incident laser sheet is treated as a large number of polarized light rays: the Stokes vector of each light ray is tracked, achieved by multiplication of the rotation matrix and the Mueller matrix after each scattering event. For the Monte Carlo simulation of light scattering, a very important issue is to generate the deflection angle and azimuthal angle for the new propagation direction after each scattering event, for which the rejection sampling method is used. Measurements verify the ability of the code to properly simulate this light scattering scenario.