
Associate Prof. Sherman C. P. Cheung
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University, Australi
E-mail : chipok.cheung@rmit.edu.au

Associate Professor Cheung is a numerical modelling expert in the School of Engineering at RMIT University. He obtained his Ph.D degree in Fire Dynamics Modelling from the City University of Hong Kong. Dr Cheung has substantial research experience in heat and mass transfer modelling using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique. His research interest spread across various fields, including fire dynamics simulations, gas-liquid hydraulic analysis, population balance modelling, multi-objective optimization, hydrogen fuel cell modelling, and slurry electrode systems. He has published over 140 articles in peer-refereed journals and international conferences with an h-index of 29 and cover 2200 citations.
Dr Cheung has been awarded over $6.0 million in research funding from various research grants, including ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres, ARC Discovery Projects, three ARC Linkage Projects from Australian Research Council, Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Program for $1.6M and Researchers in Business. Dr Cheung has been involved and participated as a heat transfer expert in 15 external industrial consultancy projects on fire modelling and safety analysis in buildings. He is currently serving as an editorial broad member for the Scientific Report.